Tech Specs

Indoor/Outdoor Strip Clear Curtain for Receiving Doors, Cold Rooms, Warehouse Dividers, Curtain Enclosures, Clean Rooms and more
UV absorber; will not discolor Temperature range from -10° to 150° F

Sold by the Foot

8" Wide x .080 thick by up to 300 ft long

12" Wide x .120 thick by up to 200 ft long

IPP offers bulk pvc materials for a variety of applications including cooler and freezer applications, warehouse and loading doors, welding applications, conveyor openings, anti static and clean rooms, reach through windows and many more. PVC Rolls can be ordered in full or partial rolls. PVC rolls can be ordered "cut and hole punched" for easy installation. Call your local store for more information

Fast Delivery

Swift Solutions, Speedy Satisfaction

Competitive Pricing

Unbeatable Quality at Competitive Prices

Approved Quality

Excellence in Every Detail

24/7 Customer Service

Always Available, Always Attentive